четверг, 11 сентября 2014 г.

Web Application Architecture

I have finished the "Web Application Architecture" course half of hour ago, and now I want to post my review about it.

"Learn how to build and deploy modern web application architectures – applications that run over the Internet, in the "cloud," using a browser as the user interface." - every quotation from course official page. That's really true)

At first week I knew much about history of Internet and WWW, what generations of Web are (like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) and what difference there is. Also lecturer told us about how to set up development environment and start using Rails.

Second week lectures gave me basic knowledges about Rails Framework and Git. During this week I created my first app on Ruby and make first commit to BitBucket.

During third week I knew much about databases in Rails and how to use the ActiveRecord pattern in context of my blog app.

After forth week I was able to create more sophisticated ruby app, because of I knew a lot of about Ralis syntax, inheritance, strings and so on.

Fifth week - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax - so much technologies in one week - it was the hardest 7 days in this course as for me. But as I mentioned earlier, I have already graduated and earned 100/100.

I want to say little bit about grading of this course - every week you have to pass 2-5 quizzes and code some programming assignments(4 for all course). You will take statement of accomplishment if earn 65%-85% from total possible points, and statement of accomplishment with distinction if over.

So now, I am waiting for my statement of accomplisment. Also I want to say "Thak you!" to Greg Heileman for great Ruby on Rails course and all coursera team for brilliant teaching resource.

P.S. It's my first post in English, so please don't judge me for mistakes. And here is the link to the course - https://www.coursera.org/course/webapplications.

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